Saturday, July 25, 2009

Goats: Nuff Said

A Deuce of Goats Stand Defiantly on Our Baptism Pool

Bad News

A goat herd took up residency in our garden late yesterday evening.

While much of the damage occurred in the night, this video reveals the continuing demise of our luscious garden as it is beset by the herd today. Everything green will be gone in the next few hours. (Take careful notice of the master goat waggling his ears menacingly at me.)


WhiteStone said...

Hmmm, rabbits might not be so bad, eh?

Josh said...

Yeah, no kidding. One of these killer goats probably out eats at least a dozen rabbits.

scott said...

Whoa, I haven't shuddered at these for a long time. I remember an encounter around the age of 4 that involved a petting zoo and a bag of popcorn - I came out on the losing end.

Come, rejoice with me in the glorious truth that death died in the death of Jesus Christ! Everyone is now welcome to come and freely take the water of life. (Rev 22:17)