Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Skilled Workman

A Skilled Indian Carpenter Installs Our Door Latch

skilled |skild|
having or showing the knowledge, ability, or training to perform a certain activity or task well : a lab technician skilled in electronics | skilled draftsmen.
• based on such training or experience; showing expertise : skilled legal advice.
• (of work) requiring special abilities or training : a highly skilled job.

(See 1 Corinthians 3:10)

Last week we were blessed to have a door latch installed on our door. During the previous five or six years there were only two possible positions the door could be in;

1. It would hang wide open.
2. It could be dead bolted shut.

To solve this, we sought out a skilled carpenter to install a door latch. (spring door catches are still new here in India) It was quite interesting to watch the carpenter working with the door to get it the way he wanted it. He did a great job, and it was noticeably different from the typical Western approach.

For your enjoyment and viewing pleasure, I made a quick video of the process. It's Indian carpentry in action!


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Come, rejoice with me in the glorious truth that death died in the death of Jesus Christ! Everyone is now welcome to come and freely take the water of life. (Rev 22:17)