Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dabbling In The Sea of God's Wonders

So Close, Yet So Far
Our Children's Home Kids one foot from glory

This quote reminds me of a time about a month ago when we took the Children home kids down to the sea. The riptide was dangerous so we wouldn't let them go in. It took everything the wardens could do to restrain them. They practically went crazy just standing there in front of the ocean getting their feet wet, subdued from going in any further.

“This is my endlessly recurrent temptation: to go down to that Sea (I think St. John of the Cross called God a sea) and there neither dive nor swim nor float, but only dabble and splash.” C. S. Lewis, “A Slip of the Tongue,” in The Weight of Glory, page 187.

But how crazy would it have been if we had told them to go in and enjoy the sea to their hearts content, and they decided that enjoying the water wouldn't be as much fun as collecting garbage on the beach?

That is the bondage of our desire. Until the Holy Spirit comes in.

[HT: Ray Ortlund]


Scott said...

Good Post. You remind me of a conversation I heard on tape between A.W. Tozer and Leonard Ravenhill. I think it was Tozer who said something like this: "Len, my fear is of arriving in heaven only to find out that I needlessly lived as a pauper during my sojourn here on earth." That quote was from memory so it may not be perfect - it's the gist of how I remember it - but it falls in line so well with your post today. How are we living now? - ARE WE JUMPING IN AND SWIMMING IN THE SEA OF GRACE and GLORY and PROMISES of GOD. Or are we just living like paupers or beachcombers only barely dipping our toes in occasionally. I fear I'm too often a toe-dipper. By the Grace of God I ought to strip down and SWIM.

Scott said...

Good Post. You remind me of a conversation I heard on tape between A.W. Tozer and Leonard Ravenhill. I think it was Tozer who said something like this: "Len, my fear is of arriving in heaven only to find out that I needlessly lived as a pauper during my sojourn here on earth." That quote was from memory so it may not be perfect - it's the gist of how I remember it - but it falls in line so well with your post today. How are we living now? - ARE WE JUMPING IN AND SWIMMING IN THE SEA OF GRACE and GLORY and PROMISES of GOD. Or are we just living like paupers or beachcombers only barely dipping our toes in occasionally. I fear I'm too often a toe-dipper. By the Grace of God I ought to strip down and SWIM.

Come, rejoice with me in the glorious truth that death died in the death of Jesus Christ! Everyone is now welcome to come and freely take the water of life. (Rev 22:17)