Monday, November 02, 2009

Another Indian Adventure

An unwelcome guest rests on the stairwell

Well this one's a little weird. It happened a few weeks ago and seemed just strange enough that I couldn't pass up posting it. All I can say is that I was hoping for gloves, tongs, anything but bare fingers. After watching the clip I think if you find yourself in the same situation you will think twice before going in barehanded.

(WARNING! Don't try this at home without leather gloves. Better yet, don't try it at all. Call a professional. Call a real batman.)


Scott said...

That was so fun to watch. Just grab em by the neck then they can't bite - I guess that is the lesson for the day.

Laurie M. said...

Eesh! I hope he washed his hands after that!

Come, rejoice with me in the glorious truth that death died in the death of Jesus Christ! Everyone is now welcome to come and freely take the water of life. (Rev 22:17)