Saturday, November 07, 2009

What Did He Mean By Carry A Cross???

Something tells me this is not the kind of cross Christ said to carry

Over the past few days I have been musing on some of the implications of the gospel and the prosperity gospel.

One though is, where's the cross? The one Jesus said to take up and follow Him with. Where is the part where we walk the Calvary road? Where are the tribulations? Anyhow, that's all the negative side of the argument. I get a whole lot more excited whenever I take a peek at the positive side.

The Positive Side:

The prosperity gospel claims to offer more than the orthodox gospel.

But it's not that the prosperity offers more than the true gospel. It offers less, infinitely less when Christ is de-valued at the expense of material gain.

The prosperity gospel begins with Christ and then leads to other 'greater' things. Things that we can have in this life and the next.

The true gospel begins and ends with Christ who is far greater than anything we can have in this life and the next.

Applied Personally:

I don't believe in the prosperity gospel, but sometimes it might look like I did. Especially when it comes to what it takes to be satisfied. If it's Christ + anything, it's not lookin' good.

I have to ask, what's it going to take for me to be satisfied, cash or Christ?

After all, Jesus said, you can't serve both God and Mammon.

Soli Deo Gloria,


Reform your life and doctrine, meet with God in the text

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Come, rejoice with me in the glorious truth that death died in the death of Jesus Christ! Everyone is now welcome to come and freely take the water of life. (Rev 22:17)